A vision for HackIllinois as both an organization and event as it continues to grow while the hacking community enters a time of uncertainty. We present a pivoted event to mitigate some of the current major issues with hackathons and a roadmap that will allow HackIllinois as an organization to be more effective in putting on extremely successful events and engaging both the local and greater hacking community. If properly executed, this will propel HackIllinois to becoming a thought leader in the hackathon domain as well as start to shift the hacking culture to a more sustainable set of values. We introduce a new event ethos, a new organization structure and two new initiatives: HackNights, and OpenHackathon as parts of the roadmap to this goal.
Baxter the Bartender
Our entry into the Anheuser Busch hackathon
Peter Pan: Semantic Image Compression
A method for compressing images, prioritizing semantically important data
Ekko and Greylock Hackfest 2015
Simple utility to enable quick collaboration